Young girls today are more vulnerable than ever before - and you can't always be there
Giving them the right tools to keep them safe is absolutely essential to protect them when you're not around.
Here at Strike Back Self-Defence for Women, it is our goal to create a safe and encouraging learning environment, where they can learn self-defence and confidence without being judged by their peers. This sense of identity will boost their confidence, resulting in increased assertiveness when dealing with confrontational situations they may face.
Our classes are an excellent way for girls to get involved with peers who share similar experiences. By expanding their network with positive influences, they can build strong friendships that can last a lifetime.

Let Strike Back Self Defence help you equip your daughter with self defence skills that will keep her safe in todays world.
Empower your daughter to take care of herself when you are not around!
Today’s world is getting tough for girls. Our goal is to create a safe place for them to learn self-defence and become confident from their very first class. This sense of identity will help increase their assertiveness when dealing with confrontational situations they may be faced with.
We will be helping build confidence, resilience and helping them to navigate the complex world of friendships they may be facing in school. We will look in depth at how they can celebrate their own strengths, love themselves for who they are and embrace their own identity.

Practical Self-Defence
We teach practical, hands-on, self-defence skills based on real-life situations. This means our students will always be aware of the danger and prepared to act immediately. This may mean escaping the situation effectively and quickly, or defending themselves from attack when escape is not an option.
A Safe and Secure Environment
Your girls will learn with all-female instructors in an all-girls class. Our instructors are fully trained in Krav Maga self-defence and our school exclusively teaches women and girls, so they will train with like-minded people in a secure atmosphere, encouraging friendships and cooperation.
Confidence and Self-Esteem
Feeling vulnerable can severely affect anyone's confidence and self-esteem, So growing in confidence with Strike Back Self-Defence will help your daughter tackle any challenges she may face in all aspects of her life. She will carry her new-found confidence through into adulthood.

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